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Mental Health & Well being.

If you ever need someone to speak to, you can book an appointment with a therapist through the HSA. It is covered through the Standard health coverage plan.

Mental Health is an important topic for restaurants because of how stressful the industry is. Fidel's has been learning about & training their supervisors in "EQ" Management practices for the last year, and have decided it is important to make this information accessible to all staff members. Mental Health, as with physical health, is fluid. Being depressed or anxious does not mean you are broken; this is a moment in your life & you can get through it. If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself or a coworker, we hope you will take the opportunity to learn & offer more empathy to both yourself & those around you.

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If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself, it might be beneficial to take the Adverse Childhood Experiences test. Many people do not realize the effects childhood experiences can have on them as adults. Taking this test is a good first step towards stronger mental health.

Most common symptoms of Trauma that you will see in Customers are: Difficulty Controlling Emotions, Poor Understanding of Social Interactions, & Aggression. Remembering that their reactions have nothing to do with you as a person & offering them empathy and forgiveness in the moment can be hard to do at times but will almost always result in swift conflict ressolution.

This is a huge reason why it is so important to be prepared & delegate sections as the shift begins. walking into a shift with a clear head, a positive mindset & ensuring your section is prepared for a busy night will reduce the chances of yourself or a coworker being forced into a stressful situation & reacting negatively. 

Goals for Learning Emotional 
Intelligence in the Work
  • Healthy Employees

  • A team built on trust & Empathy 

  • Team members who are focused on their own personal growth & successes

  • Team members who draw appropriate boundaries with each other & in turn respect the values and opinions of their colleagues. Who do not take advantage of others or get caught up in insecurities or abuses of power.

  • Employees who know themselves, feel empowered by this knowledge & feel they contribute something.

Did you know that Community Volunteer work is clinically proven to help you fight the negative effects of stress on your body? As social beings, feeling as though you belong to a community helps you build stronger coping mechanisms.

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